City of Lenoir City

Building Inspection & Permits


The Lenoir City Building Inspectors office is located at 530 Hwy 321 N, Suite 303 , Lenoir City, TN. 37771. The Building Inspector inspects new buildings and for safe maintenance of existing structures including building, housing, mechanical, plumbing, gas, and fire codes.

Building Inspections

To schedule an inspection, call the Building Inspector at 865-986-9876. A 24 hour advance notice would be appreciated.

Building Codes

The City of Lenoir City currently enforces the 2021 International Residential, Building, Fire, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Gas codes, including amendments to those codes. See for more information.

Electrical Inspections

If you would like to schedule an electrical inspection, you should contact Lenoir City Utilities at 1-844-687-5282.

For Contractors license information or to file a complaint on a contractor, go to or call 1-800-544-7693.

The Codes Enforcement section of the State of Tennessee Fire Marshall’s office does plan reviews and inspects new construction and change of use of the following types:


  • Daycare
  • Public and Private schools
  • Prisons
  • Jails
  • LP Gas (class I and Class II)
  • State owned, leased, or licensed facilities



  • Places of Assembly with an occupant load of 300 or more.
  • Residential Occupancies, except 1 & 2 Family Dwellings and Townhouses
  • Business occupancy (3 story or more)
  • High hazard industrial
  • Daycare
  • Public and Private schools
  • Prisons
  • Jails
  • LP Gas (class I and Class II)

For more information visit

REMEMBER TO CALL BEFORE YOU DIG Tennessee one-call 1-800-351-1111.

When is a building permit required?

A building permit is required prior to any new construction, addition, demolition, or change of use to any building. Accessory structures (storage buildings) need not have a permit unless the cost reaches $1000.00. Such structure must be located in the rear yard and must be 5 feet from all property lines.

Can I build my own home?

Yes, you can be the contractor and build your own home, but only one time every two years. If you hire a plumber or electrician they must be state-licensed.

What is the definition of a contractor?

A contractor is any person or entity who undertakes to, attempts to, or submits a price or offers to construct, supervise, superintend, oversee, schedule, direct, or in any manner assume charge of the construction, alteration, repair, improve, movement, demolition, putting up, tearing down, or furnishing labor to install material or equipment for any building, highway, road railroad, sewer, grading, excavation, pipeline, public utility structure, project development, housing, housing development, improvement, or any other construction undertaking for which the total cost of the same is $25,000.00 or more. For more information, contact the TN Board of licensing at or 1-800-544-7693.

Can I plumb my own home?

Yes, you may plumb your own home, but if you hire someone to plumb your home, they must be state licensed. or 1800-544-7693.

What is the penalty if I start construction without a building permit?

The penalty is double a permit fee.

If I want build a new commercial building, what do I have to do to get a building permit?

Contact the Building Inspection office at 865-986-7224.